Advertise a job

If your business is looking to fill a casual, part-time or full-time role, employing a student or graduate through Swinburne is a great way to access our talented pool of work-ready students and promote your organisation to future graduates.

Our self-service portal is free to advertise 24/7. Advertise a job on SwinEmploy in three easy steps:

  1. Sign up for a new account or log in for existing users.
  2. Add a job with the salary and vacancy description.
  3. Submit to our team for review.

We accept advertisements for:

  • full-time, part-time or casual positions
  • paid internships or vacation work
  • entry level or graduate positions
  • student tutors
  • household help opportunities including cleaning and babysitting.

Advertisements must meet our terms and conditions and guidelines for advertising.

Advertise a job
Looking for an apprentice or trainee?

At Swinburne, we’ve been delivering market-leading vocational courses for more than 100 years. Find out how to employ an apprentice or trainee and why our courses and partnerships are so successful within industry.

Learn more

Diversify your workforce

  • Indigenous recruitment

    We encourage organisations to bridge the employment gap for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Advertise your current employment opportunities and learn more about indigenous recruitment via SwinEmploy.

  • Disability recruitment

    Our partnerships, networks and experience can connect you with our student talent and support you in becoming a Disability Confident Recruiter. Swinburne hosts Australia’s first AccessAbility Careers Hub to support students living with disability.

  • Employing international students

    Hiring from a global pool of international students can bring cultural diversity, fresh perspectives into the workplace and insights from overseas markets. Learn more about providing short-term internships, visas, sponsorship, and more.

Partner with us


Key partners¹


Students and graduates²


Job opportunities³

Employer services

Be at the forefront of our students and recent graduates’ minds when you choose to partner with us.

Be part of industry panels, deliver workshops and promote your employer brand through our social media channels.

Increase your brand awareness and connect Swinburne’s best future-ready talent.

Present in the Employability Expert Series

Employability topics

Co-deliver a session on an employability topic with our Career Consultants during semester one. These sessions provide students the theory and industry perspective on topics such as resumes, cover letters, personal branding, interviews, assessment centers and more. 

If you are a human resources or talent acquisition specialist, a senior manager with recruitment and leadership development experience or a subject matter expert with more than two-year experience in the employability topic of choice, we’d like to hear from you.  

Please send your enquiry to and enter the subject line “Employability Experts Series — Employability Topics 2023”. 

Get involved now

Industry panels

Share your career story on a discipline specific panel of industry partners, alumni and professional associations presented to current students. Inspire the next generation of talent to think about their professional journeys and the importance of adapting to the changing world of work. 

Sessions are typically run in Semester 2 and we collaborate with our schools, clubs and societies to deliver an engaging line-up of speakers.

Please send your enquiry to and enter the subject line “Employability Experts Series — Industry panels 2023”. 

Get involved now

Promote your organisation

Increase your brand awareness and be at the forefront of students’ minds when you choose to partner with us and utilise our social media channels.

We can work with you to promote your organisation’s career-related: 

  • events or webinars 
  • competitions or campaigns 
  • posters, banners or other promotional collateral.

Provide your marketing kit and content and we can distribute through Facebook, LinkedIn and SwinEmploy.

Send your content

Cast a spotlight on your organisation and graduate success stories

Organisations actively recruiting for graduates will be able to provide an article profiling a recent Swinburne graduate's success story. 

We’ll link this to your current job advertisements on SwinEmploy and feature your organisation in our newsletter and communication channels.  

Whether it’s an interview article of a graduate telling their success story, or an engaging short video, we can work with you to cast a spotlight on your organisation and encourage future students to apply for your opportunities.

Send your content

Here are a range of questions you might want to think about asking for your organisation’s graduate success story. 

  • What did you study?
  • What was your career journey through university or TAFE?
  • What activities did you do to work on your employability? 
  • What is your current role?
  • Why did you choose this organisation? 
  • What were your first initial thoughts about working at your organisation?
  • What's been the highlight so far?
  • What do you like most about your role? 
  • Tell us about your planned career journey.
  • Where would you like to be in five years' time? 
  • What is your advice to Swinburne students thinking about applying for your organisation? 
  • How did you do your research on your organisation before applying? 
  • How does your everyday work have an impact on the organisation? 
  • What could a student do while studying to increase their chances of successfully securing a role? 
  • What would you recommend to students interested in your industry? 

Send targeted emails

If you’re recruiting for international opportunities outside Australia, we can help you send customised messages about your organisation and job opportunities to your chosen student cohort. 

If your jobs ads are approved on SwinEmploy, we can work with you and identify the best solution to fit within your organisation's budget.

Learn more about booking a targeted email campaign (EDM)

¹Organisations that work with us to employ our students and graduates 

²Reach 154,000 students and graduates through SwinEmploy 

³68,000 job opportunities advertised since 2017

Begin your talent attraction strategy with Swinburne

We’re available to discuss your needs and help you achieve your recruitment vision with Swinburne. Ask us about the best ways to attract Swinburne talent for your organisation’s hiring needs.

Contact us