More than 100 years ago Swinburne opened its doors with a simple premise in mind: to provide education to a section of society otherwise denied further education. Over a century later, we continue to persevere in our commitment to not only provide but transform education, through strong industry engagement, social inclusion, a desire to innovate and above all, a determination to create positive change. To fully realise our vision we are building our capability and investing in our people, processes and systems.

  • Organisational structure

    Find out about Swinburne's organisational structure and view our organisational chart.

  • Leadership and governance

    Swinburne maintains a consistent vision and a focus on core principles through appropriate governance by its Council and Academic Senate. Discover how our executive team of leaders are driving the organisation towards success. 

  • Elections

    Elections here at Swinburne University of Technology are held online, usually in the third quarter of each academic year.

Explore more about Swinburne