Swinburne Edge helps make your workforce the driving force through providing practical, contemporary learning solutions. Our expert team:

  • diagnoses your organisation’s needs through a training needs analysis
  • collaborates closely with your organisation
  • ensures your learning solutions address your business issues
  • provides the latest learning content
  • harnesses the resources of Swinburne, a world-class educational provider
  • supports your vision of the future.

Why Swinburne Edge?

Industry-leading experts

deliver real-world, practical content.

Flexible delivery

is available: online, on campus, on site, or at our training locations.

Customised learning

addresses the real issues your business is facing.

Dedicated project manager

ensures your content is adapted to your needs.

What we offer

Bespoke solutions

Swinburne Edge training programs can include:  

  • short courses
  • certificates
  • diplomas
  • master degrees.

When relevant, learning is accredited by industry bodies. Each course is tailored to your needs.  

Thrive in a digital world

Create the ideal hybrid working conditions with a research-driven, practical approach.

Big impact, short time

Seize the now and upskill your staff in a matter of days. Swinburne Edge training solutions start at single-day events.

What's Swinburne Edge?

Get future-ready with Swinburne Edge

Swinburne Edge is a workplace specialist and long-term educational partner.

We're powered by the Centre for the New Workforce – the only research facility in Australia dedicated to the latest and best workforce innovation practice.

  • “Working with Swinburne Edge was the definition of a partnership. They aimed to understand and support our vision in a constructive and collaborative way."

    Learning and Development team , Carlisle Homes

How we work

  • Training need analysis

    Stage 1

    A comprehensive training needs analysis identifies learning outcomes to drive your workforce.

  • Customisation

    Stage 2

    Using proven frameworks, Swinburne Edge designs a program based on your needs. 

  • Implementation

    Stage 3

    Time to roll out your tailored program through efficient and effective end-to-end processes.

  • Evaluation

    Stage 4

    Swinburne Edge fosters continuous improvement of your program through regular evaluation and reporting.

Looking to submit a tender, bid or proposal?

Swinburne Edge has a dedicated tender team to work with you, responding to requests for tenders, quotes, bids and proposal submissions.

Get in contact with our tender team today at industrytenders@swinburne.edu.au to find the perfect fit for your business.

Go in-depth into our courses and learning processes

Looking for individual professional development?

Upskilling doesn’t have to take months. Swinburne Edge professional development courses are designed to fast-track your career.

Choose from a wide range of flexible courses with industry experts, contemporary content, online interactivity, and limited numbers to ensure personal engagement.

Learn more

Our teams

Read about our workforce training partnerships

Discover how Swinburne Edge helps create value, meets goals and increases team capabilities.

  • Diploma of Human Resources Management

    Carlisle Homes

    Now in its third year of delivery, Carlisle Homes’ program continues to be a success. In fact, it reports a Net Satisfaction Score of 100.

  • Mental Health Program

    Finsbury Green

    The Live Online Flourishing at Finsbury Green workshops have strengthened company culture and encouraged positive mental health habits for all employees.

  • Certificate IV in Leadership and Management

    NHP Electrical Engineering Products

    Swinburne’s program has delivered positive outcomes for the learners and the business in a very applicable, relevant and practical manner.

  • Diploma of Leadership and Management


    All Specsavers participants reported a significant professional learning curve and personal growth as a result of their Swinburne Edge program.

  • Workforce training case studies

    Read case studies from our workforce training clients.