We’re proud of our reputation for high-quality research here at Swinburne. Our research meets the demands of various organisations including industry, government, community organisations, not-for-profits, start-ups and entrepreneurs to improve the way we live and build a sustainable future.

Our research

Explore the work being conducted by our ground-breaking research centres and research groups. Alternatively, you can check out one of our six focused research institutes that drive multidisciplinary collaborations with industry, business and community to maximise research impact.  

Research centres

Our research centres drive deep, discipline-based research. They are the engine room of our research performance and are also collaborative environments that support and develop our research talent, from early career researchers through to senior professors and research leaders. They are integral in enabling Swinburne to achieve research excellence and a high-ranking international reputation.

Business and law centres

Health, arts and design centres

Science, engineering and technology centres

Research groups

Our research groups are the foundation level of our research ecosystem. They are established when the quality, scale and impact of research grows beyond the capacity of an individual researcher. Ongoing development and peer support is of paramount importance with our research groups.

Other research groups

  • Cost of Living, Productivity and Inequality Research Group
  • Social Media Research Group
  • Law and Technology Research Group

Department research


Swinburne is home to two health and wellbeing clinics at our Hawthorn Campus. Both provide specialist treatment and advice and are open to members and non-members of the Swinburne community.

Looking for a world-class research institute?

Our research institutes drive multidisciplinary collaborations with industry, business and community to maximise research impact. Our flagship institutes build on the depth and excellence of our discipline-specific research activities.

Discover more

Our achievements and success stories

Our partnerships have been instrumental in effecting change with industry, government, community organisations, not-for-profits, start-ups and entrepreneurs. Learn more about these inspiring stories.

Learn more
  • Swinburne Sarawak Research Centres and Clusters

    Swinburne Sarawak’s designated research centres cultivate strength in specialist areas by concentrating resources in one place. Each centre consists of a group of researchers who collectively have a significant national or international profile.

Our news

Our events

  • Community
    • Innovation
    • Science

    2024 Swinburne Youth Space Innovation Challenge

    Join us for an exciting journey beyond the earth and into space with the Swinburne Space Innovation Challenge! Learn about the Australian space industry and how to design solutions to unique space-based problems.

    Wed 3 July to Fri 5 July
    8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
    AGSE Building, 50 Wakefield St, Hawthorn VIC 3122, Australia
    $190 AUD + BF
    Register now (2024 Swinburne Youth Space Innovation Challenge)
  • Research
    • Research Impact
    • Innovation
    • Science

    Tom Spurling Oration 2024: Science, Specialisation and the American Innovation Ecosystem

    Join Professor Ashish Arora (Duke University) in our Tom Spurling Oration 2024 as he discusses despite sustained increases in the quantity of scientific knowledge, productivity growth in advanced economies has stagnated.

    Thu 8 February
    6:00 PM to 8:30 PM
    AMDC 301 Lecture Theatre, Hawthorn campus
    Register now (Tom Spurling Oration 2024: Science, Specialisation and the American Innovation Ecosystem)
  • Research
    • Research Impact
    • Health
    • Law
    • Psychology

    5th Australasian Youth Justice Conference 2024. Strengthening Connections: The Power of Relationships and Strong Service Partnerships

    In collaboration with the Department of Justice and Community Safety Victoria, the Australasian Youth Justice Administrators (AYJA) will partner with Swinburne University of Technology to deliver the 5th Australasian Youth Justice Conference: Strengthening Connections: The Power of Relationships and Strong Service Partnerships.  This three-day conference seeks to bring together policy contributors, clinicians, legal decision makers, advocates, researchers and those with lived experience to work together and learn from each other through presentations, keynote addresses, Q & A, and panel discussions.

    Tue 16 April to Thu 18 April
    9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
    Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG)
    Register now (5th Australasian Youth Justice Conference 2024. Strengthening Connections: The Power of Relationships and Strong Service Partnerships)
  • Research
    • Research Impact
    • Health
    • Psychology

    Understanding, Assessing, and Treating Adult Firesetting

    This two day workshop will provide attendees with the latest knowledge on deliberate firesetting including common characteristics of and theoretical explanations for adult firesetting, current evidence-based approaches for assessment and treatment of adult deliberate firesetting including psychometric tools that can assist in identification of treatment needs, and current best practice in risk assessment. 

    Wed 31 January to Thu 1 February
    6:30 PM to 9:30 PM
    $500 AUD
    Register now (Understanding, Assessing, and Treating Adult Firesetting)
  • Research
    • Research Impact
    • Science

    Space Odyssey Astronomy Lecture

    Hear from astrophysicist Dr Sara Webb Hear about the future of space exploration, experimentation and even tourism, including what Swinburne is doing to prepare the next generation of space scientists with our student-led ISS experiments.

    Sat 22 June
    6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
    AMDC301, Hawthorn campus
    Register now (Space Odyssey Astronomy Lecture)

Contact Swinburne Research

Please direct your general enquiry to the research team on +61 3 9214 4859 or via research@swinburne.edu.au.

Contact us