The Centre for the New Workforce (CNeW) works with leaders to transform their business by building sustainable workforces for their organisations and meaningful careers for their workers.

Learning and workplace wellbeing is fundamental to these objectives,  even more so in these times of uncertainty. CNeW drives innovation in, and across, learning and workplace wellbeing with evidence-based approaches to enable organisations to thrive.

Feature reports

  • 2022 Supplementary Report

    Enabling Wellbeing through Flexible Work

    Looking to implement effective flexible working practices that enable employee wellbeing? Our joint report with Deloitte provides practical guidance to organisations facing this complex challenge.

  • 2022 report

    Making Fair Work FlexWork

    Employees now want more than fair pay. Drive your hybrid working industrial relations strategy with world-class data from Swinburne Edge and Deloitte.

  • Our research

    Discover how the Centre for the New Workforce is developing learning and workplace wellbeing solutions that empower people and organisations in the exponential era through its research and findings. 

How to succeed in the future of work

Technology is changing the way we live and work at an unprecedented pace. 

CNeW is a research facility focused on the latest and best workforce innovation practice.

We seek to answer one question above all others: how do we ensure everyone can succeed in the future of work?

CNeW shines a guiding light on succeeding in the future of work through:

  • rigorous enquiry, industry collaboration and think tank analysis
  • conceiving new approaches to learning that empower people and organisations for the new workforce
  • insights from our engaged research that help people and organisations – locally and around the world – with their real-world challenges.
  • Hybrid working solutions

    Co-design a hybrid workplace strategy for your organisation to optimise office space and innovation with a practical, research-informed approach.

  • Our people

    The Centre for the New Workforce aims to bring together creative minds, visionary researchers, and industry leaders to build a strong team and advisory committee. Meet our people.

Our industry partners

The Centre for the New Workforce has developed a track record of research projects with a range of high-value industry partners to drive innovation.

Report Launch: Innovation in The Unprecedented Era

Innovation in the Unprecedented Era | Live streamed event

Thursday 15 April 2021 | ACMI Swinburne Studio

Launch of Peak Human Workplace, the latest report from the Centre for the New Workforce. The report uses data since COVID-19 to investigate the influence of learning and collaboration on enabling innovation in Australian workplaces. 

The Centre for the New Workforce opens to prepare Australians for the future of work

The Centre for the New Workforce opens to prepare Australians for the future of work

Swinburne University of Technology launched the Centre for the New Workforce in December 2019. The Centre is a new research initiative designed to support Australian businesses, organisations and their employees by developing new approaches to learning.

  • "Thriving in the future of work is to understand and exploit what makes us unique as humans. 

    Learning has to be re-imagined for the emerging futures of work."

    Dr Sean Gallagher , Director, Centre for the New Workforce

Centre news

Find more news articles by visiting the Centre for the New Workforce newsroom.

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Contact the Centre for the New Workforce

Contact us to discuss how we can work together to determine new approaches to learning and knowledge creation.
Call +61 3 9214 3398 or email

Contact us