Annual research

Led by Dr Sean Gallagher, the Centre for the New Workforce (CNeW) is the only centre in Australia dedicated to developing learning and workplace wellbeing solutions for the future of work. We aim to empower people and organisations in a dynamic, technology-transforming world.

  • 2022 Supplementary Report

    Enabling Wellbeing through Flexible Work

    Looking to implement effective flexible working practices that enable employee wellbeing? Our joint report with Deloitte provides practical guidance to organisations facing this complex challenge.

  • 2022 report

    Making Fair Work FlexWork

    Employees now want more than fair pay. Drive your hybrid working industrial relations strategy with world-class data from Swinburne Edge and Deloitte.

  • 2021 report

    Hybrid Working in Australia

    COVID-19 has impacted work and how we use the office. This report reveals the current experience of hybrid work and role the office could play in the future.

  • 2021 industry briefing

    Working to close Australia's skills gap: Lessons from abroad

    By adopting lessons from overseas, Australia has an opportunity to accelerate skills growth and support greater collaboration across the public and private sectors.

  • 2021 report

    Peak Human Workplace

    In this unprecedented era, organisations must innovate to survive. Turn complex disruption into competitive advantage. Learn more about the peak human workplace. 

  • 2020 industry briefing

    Closing Australia's Skills Gap

    Many jobs are undergoing major changes due to advances in technology. New ways of work are emerging. Learn more about closing Australia’s skills gap.

Evolving workplaces

There is no greater strategic priority for organisations than realising the potential of their people — and no better way to do this than through the transformative force of learning supported by workplace wellbeing.

Organisations need to go beyond traditional discrete, technical training programs to develop vibrant learning ecosystems that encompass:

  • learning behaviours
  • culture
  • creativity
  • processes
  • the environment.

The highest form of learning will be creating value essential for competitive advantage.

Preparing for disruption

Preparing workforces for the uncertainty and opportunity of the digital economy is a daunting challenge. Advances in artificial intelligence, robotics, networks, analytics and digitisation will only increase this challenge.

Our network of experts, analysts and thought leaders understand how work is changing in response to technology:

  • what work is
  • how it's done
  • how it's organised
  • who does it.

Workforce transformation

Our network of experts, analysts and thought leaders also know how best to prepare your people and organisation. CNeW can advise and assess your workforce capability, determine and optimise learning and knowledge sharing practices and diagnose and enhance your workplace wellbeing for the future of work.

We help organisations with workforce transformation by:

  • providing insight into current trends and how they translate to your organisation
  • positioning your leadership team with the authority to lead your workforce and influence stakeholders
  • diagnosing pain points in work activity, learning capability, knowledge management, and workplace wellbeing
  • implementing solutions to enhance competitive advantage.

Key findings

1 trillion

Products and people interconnected by 2030


People concerned about losing their job to AI

1 in 5

Australian jobs impacted in next 5 years

Thoughts of our researchers

Browse a collection of opinion pieces written by the CNeW team. 

What If coronavirus and Captain Sully are future of work signals?

Whether the marvel of the “Miracle on the Hudson” or the catastrophe of the coronavirus COVID-19 global pandemic, both of these stories illustrate the power of the facet of tacit knowledge, known as a heuristic, in a rapid response scenario.

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What do the Australian fires illuminate about the future of work?

The devastating Australian wildfires that have burned 27 million acres, killed nearly 1 billion animals and produced 8 months' worth of man-made carbon are irrefutably the result of climate change. 

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Competitive advantage in the exponential era

In a rapidly changing world, much of the new knowledge comes in the form of tacit knowledge. And it is even more important in the exponential era with rapidly accelerating technologies. Why? Tacit approaches can create new value for companies faster.

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Work experience on digital platforms

As part of his call for business to join “Team Australia’’ during the coronavirus-induced economic crisis, Scott Morrison appealed to industry leaders to “take the opportunity to invest in the skills of your workforce”.

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Students need digital immersion

How do we prepare students for the digital economy? Digital skills cannot simply be an add-on to a traditional university education structured to serve the knowledge economy. Learning must be constructed around the emerging futures of work in the digital economy.

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The future of work

Sophisticated artificial intelligence and digital technologies are already changing jobs, impacting work and transforming industries.

The Centre for the New Workforce places people at the heart of the future of work.

The future of work is emerging in at least three different ways:

  • Platform transformation – how digital platforms are transforming work by disconnecting it from jobs, e.g. “expertise as a service” in the gig and freelance economies.

  • Organisational transformation – how organisations are restructuring themselves, e.g. corporate agile approaches.

  • Digital transformation – how digital technologies are transforming the way we create value, e.g. Industry 4.0.

A graphic depicting the relationship between learning, organisations, platforms and digital experiences.

Explore more of our centre

Contact the Centre for the New Workforce

Contact us to discuss how we can work together to determine new approaches to learning and knowledge creation.
Call +61 3 9214 3398 or email

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