• Year 11 & 12 Hub

    Preparing to make the exciting leap from school to university? Head to our Year 11 & 12 Hub! Consider this your home for anything you might need to know as you prepare for uni, from VTAC preferences to pathways and everything in between.

  • Year 9 & 10 Hub

    It’s never too early to consider your options for life after high school. Whether you’re about to choose your Year 10 or 11 subjects, or you're still not sure what your next steps should be, discover what study at Swinburne could look like for you and what you can do now to get started.

  • What is an ATAR?

    Find out what an ATAR is and use our ATAR evaluator to take some of the guesswork out of the equation when choosing courses.

  • How to improve your English

    We offer a range of English courses to help get you up to speed on written and spoken English to ensure you make the most of your studies.

International student scholarships

Study in Australia and embark on an exciting new adventure! If you’re an international student, we have a range of scholarships designed for international students to help you achieve your academic goals in Melbourne, Australia.

Find out more