Our strategic direction underpins everything we strive to achieve as a world-class university. We are committed to embracing our various initiatives to create impact and view these areas as integral parts of the Swinburne story.

  • 2025 Strategic Plan

    We choose to build Swinburne as the prototype of a new and different university, where people and technology work together to build a better world.

  • Industry 4.0

    Industry 4.0 is the next frontier, essential for the future of developing economies. At Swinburne, we’re using digital technologies to create social and economic impact as one of the only universities with a holistic 4.0 strategy. 

  • Sustainability and environment

    At Swinburne, commitment to sustainability is one of our core values. It is embedded across our university and our daily operations as we seek to accelerate our efforts and goals to ensure a sustainable future.

  • Submissions to government

    Swinburne frequently makes submissions to government to shape policy decisions that affect both Swinburne and tertiary education in Australia more generally.

  • Cultural diversity

    Swinburne is a global culturally diverse and inclusive university. We cultivate and respect the strength that difference and cultural diversity creates.

  • Learning and teaching at Swinburne

    Our industry-relevant and technology-rich learning and teaching approaches focus on three key areas: graduate employability; digital-first; and high-quality teaching staff.

Want to read about our yearly highlights?

Our annual reports provide a summary of Swinburne’s achievements, financial and governance reporting. Our consultancy reports include compliance information and more detailed financial reports.

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Indigenous and reconciliation initiatives

Safety and equity

We all play a role in celebrating and maintaining safety and equity here at Swinburne. A safe and inclusive culture for staff, students and the wider community involves everyone.

We commit to the following initiatives to maintain a safe and equitable environment — free from discrimination and harassment.

Research with impact

At Swinburne, our researchers are dedicated to driving economic and social impact. We are searching for solutions at the intersection of technology and humanity, pushing the boundaries of what is possible and inventing the future.

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News related to our strategies and initiatives

Contact us

To learn more about our strategies and initiatives, please call our general enquiries number on +61 3 9214 8000.

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