At Swinburne, we regularly partner with organisations to create outcomes of intellectual, financial and/or social value. This includes research partnerships, schools programs, placements and internships and workforce training.  

If you’d like to partner with us, simply follow these straightforward steps.  

  • Scope

    Step 1

    Tell us who you are and what your idea is. Fill out our enquiry form so we can connect you to the right team at Swinburne.

  • Brainstorm

    Step 2

    Meet up with us. We’ll further explore your needs and discuss potential partnership opportunities. 

  • Plan

    Step 3

    We’ll work together to identify the appropriate areas within the University to work and develop a potential engagement plan.

  • Finalise

    Step 4

    Finalise the partnership details and enjoy all the benefits of working with a world-class university.

Intellectual property

Intellectual property created through a partnership with Swinburne is bound by our guiding principles on ownership, use, commercialisation and copyright.

Find out more

Learn more about Swinburne partnerships

  • Why partner with Swinburne

    Learn about our vision and all the key benefits to working with us. 

  • Achievements and success stories

    We don’t just talk the talk — we walk the walk. Read about some of our key partnerships, programs and recent success stories.

  • Our vision

    With a vision to bring people and technology together to build a better world, Swinburne is committed to creating the prototype of a new and different university for the 21st century.

Get the ball rolling on a partnership with Swinburne

Fill out our enquiry form to get in touch.

Contact us now