What your grades mean

Grades are used to give an indication of your progress through your course. However, they are only one part of measuring your overall academic progress at Swinburne

For certain courses, Swinburne can now measure performance with the widely used Grade Point Average (GPA) system.

How to access your results

You can access your results online by logging into My Results. You can also email yourself an unofficial transcript.

If you can't see your results:

  • the results release date may not have passed (see below)
  • results may not have been  approved and finalised
  • you may have a sanction preventing your results from being released (e.g. outstanding fees or library fines).

The release dates for your Swinburne results depend on your level and mode of study, such as: 

  • Higher education
  • Vocational education
  • Foundation Year and UniLink
  • Open University Australia (OUA)
  • Hawthorn online
  • NICA 

Higher education students

Teaching period Results release date
Summer Term 28 February 2023
HE Block 1 2 May 2023
Term 1 16 May 2023
HE Semester – February (Sydney) 23 May 2023
HE Block 2 30 May 2023
Semester 1 4 July 2023
Semester 1 – last to complete Approximately 10 working days after last assessment
Semester 1 – special assessment period Approximately 10 working days after last assessment
Term 2 4 July 2023
HE Block 3 18 July 2023
HE Block 4 15 August 2023
Winter Term 15 August 2023
HE Semester – June (Sydney) 12 September 2023
HE Block 5 26 September 2023
Term 3 10 October 2023
HE Block 6 31 October 2023
Semester 2 5 December 2023
Semester 2 – special assessment period  Approximately 10 working days after last assessment
Semester 2 – last to complete Approximately 10 working days after last assessment
Term 4 5 December 2023
HE Block 7 22 December 2023
HE Block 8 22 December 2023
HE Semester – September (Sydney) 16 January 2024

Vocational education students

If you're a vocational education (VE) student, once the census date has passed for the study period, your results are released on a weekly basis. They will be available within two weeks of the end of the teaching block through My results.

Foundation Year and UniLink students

Teaching period Results release date
Teaching Period 3 (2022) 9 February 2023
Teaching Period 1 13 June 2023
Teaching Period 2 3 October 2023
Teaching Period 3 (2023) 13 February 2024

Open Universities Australia students

If you're an Open University Australia (OUA) student studying Swinburne units, your results will be released on the following dates:

  • Study Period 4 (2022) - 28 March 2023
  • Study Period 1 – 27 June 2023
  • Study Period 2 – 26 September 2023
  • Study Period 3 – 22 December 2023
  • Study Period 4 (2023) – 26 March 2024

Hawthorn Online students

If you're Hawthorn Online (HOL) student, your results will be released on the following dates:

  • Study Period 4 (2022) – 28 March 2023
  • Study Period 1 – 27 June 2023
  • Study Period 2 – 26 September 2023
  • Study Period 3 – 22 December 2023
  • Study Period 4 (2022) – 26 March 2024

NICA students

If you're a NICA student, your results will be released on the following dates:

  • Semester 1 – 4 July 2023
  • Semester 2 – 5 December 2023

Academic transcripts

An academic transcript is an official document signed by the University Registrar which states your course, subjects and results, completion date and conferral date. A digital copy of your academic transcript will be provided soon after you complete your award. Once your award is completed it will be put forward for University Conferral and your digital documents will be issued.

If you’re continuing your enrolled course and require a digital academic transcript to track your progression, you can order and pay for a digital transcript online anytime. Digital transcripts ordered online are available within 24 hours through My eQuals.

Before you order, please check My Results and result release dates. Official transcripts only display results that have been officially released at the time of ordering.

If you’re an international student and need confirmation that your course has been completed, your digital documents can be used as evidence of completion. Alternatively, if you require a letter of completion, submit a letter of completion request.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

What is a GPA?

A simple numerical index summarising your academic performance in a course in:

  • a single teaching period or
  • over a year or
  • for the duration of your enrolment in a course.

It’s based on the relative size of units, measured by:

  • student contact hours (for vocational education students, diploma and above)
  • credit points (for higher education students).

GPA is not used in units with competency-based grading or grades that do not have marks.

What is a GPA used for?

A GPA can be among criteria for a study offer, for identifying candidates for academic prizes or as a measure when applying for a job or another university place.

The two main GPA scales are the 4-point and 7-point scale, which differ by the grade points allocated but share the same calculation method.

Swinburne has used the 4-point scale since 2014. If you have one, your GPA is displayed with your results and also appears on your academic transcript.

How is your GPA calculated?

For higher education, the GPA is calculated using the following formula: 

Total grade points divided by the total credit points = Grade Point Average.

GPA = 175/100 = 1.75 (4 point scale)


Credit points 



GPA value 

(4-point scale)

Grade points 

(CP x GPA value)

AAA001 12.5 HD 4 50
ABC201 12.5 D 3 37.5
BBB105 25 P 1 25
CCC415 12.5 P 1 12.5
XXX501 12.5 N 0 0
DDD110 25 C 2 50
TOTAL 100 175

Total grade points divided by the total student contact hours = Grade Point Average

GPA = 625/245 = 2.55 (4-point scale)

Unit Student contact 
hours (SCH)
Result GPA value 
(4-point scale)
Grade points 
(SCH x GPA value)
AAA001 20 N 0 0
ABC201 40 D 3 120
BBB105 25 P 1 25
CCC415 80 HD 4 320
DDD110 80 C 2 160
TOTAL 245 625

Grades systems can change over time.  

The current schema has been in place since 2014, also the year Swinburne adopted the use of the four-point Grade Point Average (GPA) system for both higher education and vocational education (VE; diploma and above).

Below is a summary of current and previously used Swinburne result categories. It includes categories of institutions now merged with Swinburne University.

Results categories by year and Swinburne study area

Swinburne area Current Before 2014
Higher education 2014 to present 1992 to 2013
Unilink, Foundation and ELICOS Present  
Vocational education (VE; formerly TAFE) 1992 to present 1976 to 2013

What is a conceded pass? 

If you're an undergraduate or Unilink Diploma student and achieve a mark of between 45 and 49 in a unit and meet all of the following criteria, you may be granted a conceded pass if:

  • The unit does not satisfy a prerequisite requirement
  • You are not enrolled in a single unit only
  • You have never previously been granted a conceded pass (you can only be granted a conceded pass once). 

If your course is for professional accreditation, you may not be eligible for a conceded pass. 

Information for ELICOS students

If you are an ELICOS student, you may be awarded a Conceded Pass that allows you to progress to the next level of GE or EAP if:

a. your overall score is 65% or above but your score for one skill area (except for writing) is between 55–59%

b. you did not enter your current unit based on a Conceded Pass; and

c. your attendance has not fallen below 80% for the unit (unless compassionate or compelling circumstances are present).

Students cannot successfully complete English for Academic Purposes Level 4 (Upper Intermediate) EAP4B and English for Academic Purposes Level 5 (Advanced) EAP5B with a Conceded Pass.

Normally, you don’t have to apply for a conceded pass — it is awarded as part of the results process if you meet all eligibility criteria.

However, if you feel you do meet all the criteria but have not been granted a conceded pass (or would like to have a conceded pass removed from your results) you can complete and submit a conceded pass application.

ELICOS students do not apply for a conceded pass. It is awarded as part of the results process if they meet all eligibility criteria.

You’ll find out the result of this application via your Swinburne student email account. Check your Swinburne email regularly or redirect it to an email you check frequently. You’ll need to respond promptly to requests for action or information supporting your application.

ELICOS students will know that they have been granted a conceded pass when their results are published. 

Finishing your course

If you’ve completed all of the requirements for your course, congratulations! If you’re not sure if you've finished your course or haven’t received a graduation notice, contact studentHQ.

We can’t release your results or let you graduate until you've paid any outstanding fees and fines. After you've finished your course there are lots of options:

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Check your results

Log in with your student ID and password and view your results. 

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