Our partners

We’ve been offering professional placement programs for over 55 years. In the last few years, 400 plus organisations, from start-ups to multinational companies, have accessed more than 2000 future-ready students through our Professional Placements and Professional Internships programs.

As well as being a valuable learning opportunity for students, our programs offer organisations a great way to access fresh ideas, support long-term projects, and help your organisations during high activity and growth.

Creating graduate pipelines

  • Optimising

    Optimising Co-Founder James Richardson shares his experience hiring professional placement students and how they are shaping the digital marketing industry to what it is today.

  • Accru Melbourne

    Kate Cain has found placements a great way to recruit high-quality permanent employees.

  • Cobalt Design

    Steve Martinuzzo describes how placement students integrate with the workplace and transform into potential long-term employees.

  • Melbourne Water

    Jarrod Mitchell explains how the professional placements program is developing the next generation of engineers.

  • Metro Trains

    Nathan Loriente describes the life-cycle benefits of placing students at Metro Trains.

  • Royal Melbourne Hospital

    Shannon Watt explains why they employ 75% of their former placement students.

  • National Australia Bank

    Dmitri Markman, Head of Business Credit at NAB, shares how placement student Adam is a great addition to his team.

  • Decmil

    Emily Trevaskis shares how engaging placement students can support business growth and strategy.

Resourcing fresh talent 

Helping a student develop and grow

A development opportunity for your staff

  • Grey Innovation

    Swinburne alumni Jefferson Harcourt speaks of how much he enjoyed his time at Swinburne and how it help prepare him for his entrepreneurial career.

Want to work with our students?

Contact us today to learn how your organisation can benefit from working with our talented students and graduates.

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