Call for proposals on Global Value Chains

We invite papers for a joint workshop in January 2024 on "A study of the resiliency of Global Value Chains (GVCs) in East Asia" organised by the Economics Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) and Swinburne University of Technology.

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The Centre for Transformative Innovation strives to improve Australia’s innovative capacity by understanding how ideas, inventions, and social networks enhance productivity. We were founded in 2014 as part of Swinburne's Faculty of Business and Law, with the goal of better informing the debate on public and corporate policy on innovation.

We are multi-disciplinary, politically non-aligned, impartial and independent with strong links to other innovation-related groups and a focus on developing cross-disciplinary research collaborations that allow for the sharing of knowledge and ideas. 

We aim to:

  • improve innovative capacity by understanding the processes through which ideas and inventions enhance productivity

  • be a global leader in research on technology and innovation for policy and management

  • be a focal point for researchers and policy advocates interested in studying how and why innovation occurs and what its effects are. 

  • "We aspire to be Australia’s leading institution in research and training on innovation studies. In so doing, we will contribute our knowledge and expertise to provide robust and objective evidence needed to guide public and enterprise policy."

    Professor Beth Webster , Director of the Centre for Transformative Innovation

COVID-19 spread in Melbourne 2020: Waves 1 and 2

This animation demonstrates the speed and far reach of COVID-19 spread throughout the community and is a stark reminder to Victorians to continue to practice physical distancing and follow isolation/quarantine orders.

An animation of the speed and reach of COVID-19 as it spread through the community during the first and second waves in Victoria.

This animation depicts positive COVID-19 cases in Melbourne, Victoria (red dots) and the social contact between (the lines). The location of dots reflects people’s home address, not where they contracted COVID-19. Lines represent possible transmission pathways due to social contact.

The data also highlight the importance of gathering social network data to better understand individuals' contacts and social networks and the risk of COVID-19 transmission in the community. 

This animation was created by Dr Peng Wang, Professor Dean Lusher and Dr Giovanni Radhitio Sadewo from Swinburne University of Technology’s Centre for Transformative Innovation as part of a research project examining targeted intervention of contact networks for COVID-19.

Funding: This work was commissioned by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services.

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    Tom Spurling Oration 2024: Science, Specialisation and the American Innovation Ecosystem

    Join Professor Ashish Arora (Duke University) in our Tom Spurling Oration 2024 as he discusses despite sustained increases in the quantity of scientific knowledge, productivity growth in advanced economies has stagnated.

    Thu 8 February
    6:00 PM to 8:30 PM
    AMDC 301 Lecture Theatre, Hawthorn campus
    Register now (Tom Spurling Oration 2024: Science, Specialisation and the American Innovation Ecosystem)
  • Research
    • Innovation
    • Research Impact

    Varieties of regional innovation systems around the world and catch up by latecomers: Analysing RIS with patent citation data and policy implications

    Join Distinguished Professor Keun Lee (Seoul National University) to discuss the varieties of regional innovation systems around the world and the catch up by latecomers, the importance of economic development in providing employment and incomes, and the policies that can address poor regional economic development.

    Mon 13 February
    12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
    Learn more (Varieties of regional innovation systems around the world and catch up by latecomers: Analysing RIS with patent citation data and policy implications)
  • Research
    • Innovation
    • Research Impact

    Launch of the Encyclopedia of Australian Science and Innovation

    Celebrates the re-branding and new home of the Encyclopedia of Australian Science and Innovation, and those contributing to its new life.

    Thu 24 November
    5:45 PM to 7:45 PM
    AGSE202, Hawthorn campus
    Register now (Launch of the Encyclopedia of Australian Science and Innovation)

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H23, PO Box 218
Victoria 3122 Australia


Centre for Transformative Innovation
AGSE Building
Corner Wakefield and William Streets
Victoria 3122 Australia

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