As the largest interdisciplinary academic research body on innovation in Australia, the Centre for Transformative Innovation is uniquely placed to provide robust and objective evidence needed to guide public and enterprise policy through change. We’re known for the depth and quality of our empirical analysis and evidence-based public policy recommendations, and we specialise in analysing the performance of business and industries. 


Download published reports on important economic and innovation topics investigated by our researchers.




Kiribati Case Study: Mapping Alumni Networks and Links to Australia

This report examines the professional and social networks of Australian scholarship alumni from Kiribati to provide insight into the links between alumni, and how these contribute to the long-term outcomes of the Australia Awards. The case study utilises social network analysis (SNA) tools to analyse and map interactions amongst the I-Kiribati alumni and to Australia.

View Kiribati case study on DFAT website


Impact of Austrade Tailored Services 2012–2016

Prepared by Trevor Kollmann, Alfons Palangkaraya and Elizabeth Webster in partnership with Austrade for Australian Government, Australian Trade and Investment Commission to undertake research measuring the business performance of those who received an Austrade ‘tailored service’ from 2012–13 to 2015–16

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State of the Sector: Medical Technologies and Pharmaceuticals

Victoria's Future Industries report published by the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (DEDJTR) including Economic Impact Analysis – Victorian Medical Technologies & Pharmaceuticals Sector by the Centre for Transformative Innovation

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Impact of the Victorian Trade Missions Program 2010–12 on Export Revenue

Prepared by Jann Milic, Alfons Palangkaraya and Elizabeth Webster for the State of Victoria Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources

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Economic Impact Analysis – Victorian Medical Technologies & Pharmaceuticals Sector

Prepared by Patrick Doran and Russell Thomson for the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources.

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The Additionality of R&D Tax Policy in Australia

Prepared by Russell Thomson and Ahmed Skali

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What Drives Firm Innovation? A Review of the Economics Literature

Prepared by Alfons Palangkaraya, Thomas Spurling, Elizabeth Webster

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Does Innovation Make (SME) Firms More Productive?

Prepared by Alfons Palangkaraya, Thomas Spurling, Elizabeth Webster

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Is There Evidence that Australian Businesses Receive Knowledge Spillovers?

Prepared by Alfons Palangkaraya, Elizabeth Webster for the Department of Industry and Science

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Measuring R&D Spillovers from Australia Industry: Uses and Limitations of Using the Extended Analytic Business Longitudinal Database (EABLD)

Prepared by Alfons Palangkaraya, Elizabeth Webster for the Department of Industry and Science

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Tax and R&D Investment: Policy Impact Calculator

Prepared by Russell Thomson

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Trade in Ideas: The Cross Flow of Ideas between Australia and the Rest of the World

Prepared by Russell Thomson and Elizabeth Webster

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Evaluating Innovation Programs

Prepared by Paul Jensen and Elizabeth Webster

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An Assessment of Australia's Absorptive Capacity

Prepared by Gaétan de Rassenfosse and Elizabeth Webster

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Evidence-Based Policy: Data Needed for Robust Evaluation of Industry Policies

Prepared by Alfons Palangkaraya, Elizabeth Webster and Ittima Cherastidtham

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Examining the Characteristics of Innovative Firms in Australia

Prepared by Alfons Palangkaraya, Andreas Stierwald, Elizabeth Webster and Paul Jensen for the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research

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We've contributed expert advice to the following government inquiries.

Review of the Designs System — Final Report (2015)

The Advisory Council on Intellectual Property (ACIP)

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Review of the Designs System — Options Report (2014)

The Advisory Council on Intellectual Property (ACIP)

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Collaborations between the Public and Private Sectors: The Role of Intellectual Property — Final Report (2012)

The Advisory Council on Intellectual Property (ACIP)

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Higher Education Base Funding Review — Final Report October 2011

The Hon Dr Jane Lomax-Smith, Professor Louise Watson, Professor Beth Webster

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Review of Skills Victoria — Final Report September 2009

State Government of Victoria State Services Authority

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Review of Australia's Automotive Industry — Final Report July 2008

Review of Australia's Automotive Industry

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Access libraries of datasets created by our researchers.

Intellectual Property Government Open Data

The Intellectual Property Government Open Data (IPGOD) includes over 100 years of intellectual property (IP) rights, covering patents, trademarks, designs and plant breeder's rights. We were instrumental in assisting IP Australia to issue the first release of IPGOD in 2014 as well as their subsequent annual releases. The data is highly detailed and includes information on each aspect of the application process of IP rights.


TMlink is a worldwide trademark database identifying and linking similar trademarks from different countries. This network of internationally linked trademarks provides a unique window into international branding trends.  The TMlink database and linking algorithm were created by lead developer Dr Stephen Petrie, one of our investigators, in collaboration with IP Australia and the University of Melbourne. 

Researchers from the Centre of Transformative Innovation.

Working papers

Download working papers prepared by the Centre.


Is the patent system a level playing field: The effect of patent attorney firms

Prepared by Gaétan de Rassenfosse, Paul H. Jensen, T’Mir Julius, Alfons Palangkaraya and Elizabeth Webster

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ARC Report: The effects of university-industry collaboration subsidies on firm performance

Prepared by Alfons Palangkaraya, Paul H. Jensen, Russell Thomson and Elizabeth Webster

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Why Do Royalties Reign in the Market for Technology?

Prepared by Patrick Doran, Russell Thomson, Elizabeth Webster

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COVID-19: Insights from Innovation Economists

A collective of scholars primarily associated to the College of Management of Technology at Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne

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The Nexus between Innovation and Competition: Will the New Digital Technologies Change the Relationship?

Prepared by Elizabeth Webster

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Getting Patents: Is Agent Quality More Important than Invention Quality?

Prepared by Gaétan de Rassenfosse, Paul H. Jensen, T’Mir D. Julius, Alfons Palangkaraya, Elizabeth Webster

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Who Influences USPTO Patent Examiners?

Prepared by Patrick Doran and Elizabeth Webster

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Representing Text as Abstract Images Enables an Image Classifier to Perform Text Classification for Name Disambiguation

Prepared by Stephen Petrie and T'Mir Julius

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Who Monitors TRIPS?

Prepared by Gaétan de Rassenfosse, Paul Jensen, T'Mir Julius, Alfons Palangkaraya, Elizabeth Webster

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Global Production Networks and the Evolution of industrial Capabilities

Prepared by Russell Thomson, Prema-chandra Athukorala

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Why Do Royalties Reign in the Market for Technology?

Prepared by Patrick Doran, Russell Thomson, Elizabeth Webster

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Entering Global Value Chains: Do Trade Missions Work?

Prepared by Jann Milic, Alfons Palangkaraya, Elizabeth Webster

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The Additionality of R&D Tax Policy in Australia

Prepared by Jared Holt, Ahmed Skali, Russell Thomson

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R&D Offshoring and Home Industry Productivity

Prepared by Gaétan de Rassenfosse, Russell Thomson

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Low-quality patents in the eye of the beholder: Evidence from multiple examiners

Prepared by Gaétan de Rassenfosse, Adam B. Jaffe, Elizabeth Webster

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