Net-Zero Carbon Materials and Processes
This research program focuses on the development of materials production processes, new generation of materials, recycling of materials and future manufacturing processes with emphasis on net-zero carbon target.
Led by Professor M Akbar Rhamdhani, this program capitalises on Swinburne’s research expertise in a range of materials and manufacturing process technologies – advanced materials processing, surface engineering, inspection and instrumentation, re-manufacturing, green technologies and processes, virgin and urban ores processing, hydrogen science and application in materials production, energy optimisation and energy harvesting.
Within this program we develop resilient manufacturing solutions in close collaboration with industries such as the automotive, aerospace, steelmaking, energy, waste management and resource sectors.
These are the three research themes of this program, with additional focus areas and related projects within them.
Carbon reduction in manufacturing
Reduce carbon in manufacturing through adoption and management of renewable energy.
Materials processing and inspection technology
Develop advanced subtractive and additive manufacturing technologies.
Wealth from waste
Convert waste to products and re-cycle or re-purpose end-of-life products.
Contact the Manufacturing Futures Research Platform
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