The are many ways you can impact the lives of Swinburne students. You can donate through one of the many scholarships on offer, or even set up a new one. You can also fund a student achievement award. Every donation helps.

Student scholarships 

We strive to ensure all people have access and opportunity to a quality education, regardless of personal circumstances. Scholarships recognise and honour student excellence or help students overcome financial hardship. The generous investment you make through a scholarship can transform a life, encouraging a student to pursue excellence now and in the future. We will work with you to tailor a scholarship that aligns with your priorities.

Did you know? 

42 students received scholarships in 2019 thanks to our generous donors.

Supporting scholarships

Swinburne’s Welcome Scholarships for asylum seekers were established in recognition of the hardships faced by people seeking asylum.

We recognise that asylum seekers arriving in Australia experience significant displacement. Once settled, many asylum seekers continue to encounter barriers accessing education, especially financial.

The scholarships:

  • support study aspirations
  • increase self-esteem
  • provide an immediate social and community network.

Welcome scholarships for Asylum Seekers

Swinburne has set up a named scholarship for asylum seekers looking to undertake an undergraduate degree. If you would like to support the education and dreams of people seeking asylum, please email us at

Swinburne’s Women in STEM Scholarships program was established to address the underrepresentation of women in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).

The program is a key part of our gender equity strategy. Our vision is to be a world-class university creating social and economic impact through science, technology and innovation. To realise this we need to focus our efforts on creating opportunities and supporting talented individuals to achieve their full potential.

There is a clear need to encourage the best female minds to be part of advancing Australia's competitive capability in the field. These scholarships champion the principles of access and equity, ensuring that our brightest minds are supported, nurtured and inspired.

You can transform lives by expanding our scholarship offerings for women in STEM.

The Accounting Futures Fund aims to inspire and invigorate a pipeline of career-ready, innovative and entrepreneurial graduates in collaboration with business, industry and the community.

With your support, we can future-proof the accounting and finance workforce, ensuring that talented, professional graduates will continue to lead society. After all, the greatest investment we can make is in those who will carry all the possibilities of tomorrow. 

Your investment will support innovative education and real-world experiences. The Accounting Futures Fund will support students, researchers and industry through three key strategic initiatives.

Beta-Alpha Psi Chapter

Beta-Alpha Psi is a prestigious international honour society for accounting, finance and information systems students and professionals. Beta-Alpha Psi is exclusive for AACSB accredited universities.


The iiLab will introduce students and industry partners to different ways of thinking and learning through new digital technologies, preparing them for the future of business systems and processes.

Accounting Futures Scholarships 

Accounting Futures Scholarships will be available for students enrolled in Swinburne’s Bachelor of Accounting. As part of our commitment to nurturing the best and brightest minds at Swinburne, the Accounting Futures Scholarships will rewards students based on excellence and their alignment with Swinburne’s core values and mission.

Our scholarships for rural and regional students support young people who, under normal circumstances, might be unable to undertake or complete a degree.

Rural and regional students face many barriers to furthering their education. They are more likely to defer for one or more years after school, in order to work and save money to fund their living expenses. When they enter their new educational environment they must travel long distances or move away from home to study.

Demand for these scholarships is high and you can support their study aspirations by making a donation today.

PAVE student scholarships support, reward and encourage students studying in pathways and vocational education. They give much  needed assistance for travel, study and living expenses.

As a dual-sector university, Swinburne offers pathways and vocational education (PAVE) courses that teach practical skills and give options to progress to another qualification. 

By making a donation you are creating opportunities for Swinburne students.  

Sheila Fitzgerald Scholarship for PAVE

Former Acting Director of Vocational Education, Sheila Fitzgerald, retired from Swinburne at the end of June 2014. This scholarship was established in Sheila’s name to enable a student to pursue a vocational or apprenticeship program, consistent with her deeply held commitment to accessible, high-quality vocational education. Make a donation to this scholarship.

Swinburne’s Indigenous Education Support Program aims to increase participation, and successful completion, of educational studies for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 

We recognise and respect the history and diversity of spirituality, heritage and contemporary aspirations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and peoples. 

These aspirations include improved health and increased access and achievement in vocational and higher education and employment. Our Reconciliation Action Plan outlines our commitment to these goals.

For many Indigenous people, university study is hindered by location, work, family and community commitments. 

Our scholarship program is designed to accommodate a diverse range of student need, removing many of the barriers to higher education. It gives students across Australia an equal opportunity to engage in study, whether it be through a remotely run program in their own community, online or onsite at one of our campuses. 

With your support, we can transform lives and shape communities.

Impact stories  

  • Noah Htin Lin Htet

    Receiving a scholarship helped Noah purchase the resources and textbooks he needed for studying. 

  • Grace Lawrence

    Thanks to Swinburne donors, Grace had the opportunity to go deep underground into the cavernous laboratories of Gran Sasso. 

  • Matt and Keith

    For Matt, receiving one of the three Keith Irvine Student Achievement Awards came at just the right time.

  • Jacob Stanford

    For Jacob Stanford, the Liberty Steel Engineering Scholarship created opportunities that would otherwise not have been possible.

Donate to scholarships

To find out how you can establish your own named scholarship or make a donation, to our existing scholarship funds please contact our Development Team. 

Contact us

Donate to Swinburne

To find out how you can set up a student achievement award or make another donation, contact us at or on +61 3 9214 4409.  

Contact us

Student Achievement Awards

Swinburne has been encouraging greatness in our students since the establishment of the Student Achievement Awards in 2004.

Our motto is factum per littera (achievement through learning). We believe that practical, industry-focused education is the best foundation for our students to build a career on.

We also understand that sometimes things happen in life which makes attending classes, completing homework or handing in an assignment too difficult. With the generous support of our alumni and donors, we have been able to establish the Student Achievement Awards.

The awards recognise students who, despite experiencing hardship, have achieved in their studies at Swinburne. They provide students with a one-off award of $1,000 to help ease their financial burden and encourage the students to keep pursuing their studies and goals.

Other ways to create impact