The Academic Senate’s responsibilities reach across all courses offered by the university, including vocational education, higher education and research, and include:

The Academic Senate maintains a register of accredited degrees, diplomas, certificates, licenses and other awards offered by Swinburne. The registers are updated as required following each Academic Senate. 

In accordance with the requirements of the Academic and Student Affairs Statute 2012, Part 4, Clause 12, the following registers are made available:

Higher education 

Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Academic Senate wiki for Swinburne staff

Visit the wiki for Academic Senate to view sub-committee meeting dates, agendas, minutes and more.

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More information

Contact the Academic Senate

Executive Officer

Mr Andy Campbell
Manager, Governance & Assurance

Academic Senate Chair

Professor Tara Magdalinski


John Street, 
Hawthorn, Victoria 3122

Postal address 

Swinburne University of Technology 
PO Box 218 
Hawthorn, Victoria, 3122 

More about our leadership and governance