Part 1. Preliminary

1. Purpose

The purpose of these Regulations is to prescribe the academic dress to be worn by members of the University, and the occasions on which it is to be worn.

2. Authorising provision

These Regulations are made under the Academic and Student Affairs Statute 2012 and sections 28, 29 and 30 of the Swinburne University of Technology Act 2010.

Part 2. Academic Dress

3. Regalia

The regalia to be worn by specified members of the University under this regulation is set out in the Schedule.

4. Indigenous stoles

1. Indigenous graduands and staff may wear a stole at a graduation ceremony.
2. The colours of the stole are those shown in the Aboriginal Australian flag.
3. The stole is to be worn under any academic colours.
4. If there are no academic colours (that is, certificate and apprenticeship recipients) the stole is to be worn under the gown so as not to be mistaken for the colours of the discipline.

5. Trencher

The cap is worn flat or horizontal, with the tassel down over the left eye.

6. Occasions

Academic dress is to be worn on the following occasions—

a. ceremonies for the conferral and granting of awards of the University;

b. any other formal occasion of the University for which the University specifies academic dress;

c. ceremonies of other institutions at which the wearing of academic dress is appropriate or requested.

7. Eligibility to wear academic dress – graduates, graduands and candidates

1. A person is eligible to wear academic dress appropriate to the award if he or she is a graduate or graduand who—

a. has had an award conferred; or

b. is eligible to graduate.

2. Graduates from other universities are entitled to wear academic dress appropriate to the award. 

Part 3. Miscellaneous

8. Specified colours

References in these Regulations to a specified colour are references to the colour specified for each of the courses set out in the University policies and procedures.

9. Revocation

Regulation 23 – Academic Dress is revoked. 

Schedule Regalia 

Part 1. Official Members

The Chancellor

A black gown, English Queen’s Counsel style, with ten gold bands on the sleeve.

A scarlet satin band is on the front facing, the collar, the bottom edge of the gown, the sleeves and the rear vent.  This coloured element serves to identify the gown as that of the University.

A black velvet mortar board with trim on the base, gold braid and tassel.

The Deputy Chancellor

Based on the design of the Chancellor’s regalia, the deputy chancellor’s regalia is of similar style and colour, but with five gold bands on the sleeve.

The mortar board of the deputy chancellor has no braid on the bottom.

The Vice-Chancellor

A black gown, English Queen’s Counsel style, with ten silver bands on the sleeve.

A scarlet satin band is on the front facing, the collar, the bottom edge of the gown, the sleeves and the rear vent.  This coloured element serves to identify the gown as that of the University.

A black velvet mortar board with silver trim on the base, silver braid and tassel.

Deputy Vice-Chancellors

Based on the design of the Vice-Chancellor’s regalia, a deputy vice-chancellor’s regalia is of similar style and colour, but with five silver bands on the sleeve.

The mortar board of a deputy vice-chancellor has no braid on the bottom.

Members of the Council

A University stole featuring the Swinburne Coat of Arms, with the academic dress for his or her degree.

The stole is cherry red with an embroidered crest on each side, positioned 5 cm from the base of the stole.  It is worn showing colour on both sides.

If the member does not have qualifications which require academic dress, a black gown is worn with the stole.

Part 2. Honorary Awards

Honorary Doctorate

A cardinal red gown with front facing of 10 cm and sleeve facing of 45 cm in silver grey, the University of Oxford Burgon pattern.

The hood is cardinal red, fully lined in silver grey.  A black velvet Tudor bonnet with silver cord and tassel.

Honorary Master Degree

A cardinal red gown with front facing of 10 cm in silver grey, the University of Oxford Burgon pattern.

The hood is cardinal red, fully lined in silver grey showing on both shoulders.  A black trencher with silver tassel.

Part 3. Academic Dress, By Award

Doctor of Philosophy

A black gown with facing on the front and sleeve in red and silver grey, the University of Oxford Burgon pattern, the hood of which shall be chilli red, 73cm long and fully lined in silver grey.

The hood is worn with the colour shown fully on both shoulders.  A black velvet Tudor bonnet with scarlet cord and tassel on the left. 

Professional Doctorate

A black gown with facing on the front and sleeve in chilli red and the colour of the discipline, the University of Oxford Burgon pattern, the hood of which shall be chilli red, 73cm long and fully lined in the colour of the discipline.

The hood is worn with the colour of the discipline shown fully on both shoulders.  A black velvet Tudor bonnet with scarlet cord and tassel.

Doctor of Business Administration

A black gown faced with chilli red and the colour of the discipline, the University of Oxford Burgon pattern, the hood of which is chilli red, 73 cm long and fully lined in the colour of the discipline.

The hood is worn with the colour of the discipline shown fully on both shoulders.  A black velvet Tudor bonnet with scarlet cord and tassel.

Degree of Master (Honours)

A black gown worn with a hood, the University of Oxford Burgon pattern, the cowl of which is 73 cm long, fully lined in the colour specified and laced with a silver braid of 1.5 cm.

The hood is worn with the colour shown fully on both shoulders.  A trencher is worn.

Degree of Master

A black gown with a hood, the University of Oxford Burgon pattern, the cowl of which is 73 cm long and fully lined in the colour specified.

The hood is worn with the colour shown fully on both shoulders.  A trencher is worn.

Double Degree of Master

A black gown worn with the hood of the same pattern as that for the degree of Master, except that the hood is fully lined in the discipline colours (half of each colour), with the first named discipline colour in the award title against the edge of the hood.

The hood is worn with the colours showing on both shoulders.  A trencher is worn.

Degree of Bachelor (Honours)

A black gown worn with a hood of the same pattern for that of the degree of Master, except that the hood is lined to a depth of 15 cm only in the colour specified and laced with a silver braid of 1.5 cm.

The hood is worn with the colour shown on the left shoulder.  A trencher is worn.

Degree of Bachelor

A black gown with a hood of the same pattern as that for the degree of Master except that the hood is lined to a depth of 15 cm only in the colour specified.

The hood is worn with the colour showing on the left shoulder.  A trencher is worn.

Double Degree of Bachelor

A black gown is worn with the hood of the same pattern as that for the degree of Master except that the hood is lined to a depth of 15 cm in total in the discipline colours (7.5 cm of each colour), with the first named discipline colour in the award title against the edge of the hood.

The hood is worn with the colour showing on the left shoulder.  A trencher is worn.

Dual Award

A black gown is worn with the hood of the same pattern as that for the degree of Master, except that the hood is lined to a depth of 15 cm only in the discipline colour of the higher education degree; the reverse side of the right hand is trimmed on the inner edge with 3 cm of the colour of the discipline of the TAFE award.

The hood is worn with the colour showing on the left shoulder and the trim on the right shoulder.

Graduate Diploma

A black gown worn with a stole, the length (inner edge) of which is 107 cm on each side, of the colour specified, black lined and worn with the colour showing on both sides.

A trencher is worn.

Graduate Certificate

A black gown worn with a stole, the length (inner edge) of which is 107 cm on each side, of the colour specified, black lined and worn with the colour showing only on the left hand side.

A trencher is worn.

Associate Degree

A black gown worn with a stole, the length (inner edge) of which is 107 cm on each side, the reverse side (black) of the right hand extent is trimmed in 2 mm gold braid along the outer edge and base and 15 mm in from the outer edge and base. The stole is worn so that the colour shows on the right hand side and the gold trim shows on the left hand side.

A trencher is worn.

Advanced Diploma, Associate Diploma and Diploma

A black gown worn with a stole, the length (inner edge) of which is 107 cm on each side, of the colour specified, black lined and worn with the colour trimmed with white cloth. The stole is worn so that the colour and trim show on the right hand side.

Advanced Certificate and Certificate

A black gown.


A black gown.

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