Indigenous teaching and learning
Swinburne is committed to employing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander teachers to Indigenise and decolonise pedagogies, curricula and assessments across higher education and vocational education, at all levels from certificates to higher degrees by research.
Our study options
Indigenous Studies
Our Indigenous studies courses will give you accurate knowledge of the history and challenges faced by Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. -
Marngo Designing Futures creative workshops
Explore communication design, industrial design, interior architecture and digital media design framed from Indigenous perspectives.
Search units of study related to Indigenous Studies
Swinburne offers several units related to Indigenous Studies.
Swinburne Story: Andrew Peters
Watch the video about Dr Andrew Peters, Senior Lecturer in Indigenous Studies and Wurundjeri man, sharing his story about Indigenous education.
Swinburne Story: Andrew Peters
Contact the Moondani Toombadool Centre
If you have any questions about our programs and services, feel free to reach out.