• Please note that the Total Remuneration Package (TRP) reflected on this page are indicative TRP only representing relevant base rate (in accordance with the relevant enterprise agreement) plus superannuation as of 12 August 2023
  • This page does not reflect any individual salary and/or super arrangements
  • This page does not reflect any additional allowances and/or loadings
  • Superannuation arrangements currently in place as at 1 July 2023 have been summarised in the table below:
Enterprise Agreement Superannuation for ongoing employees as at 1 July 2023 Superannuation for fixed term employees as at 1 July 2023 Superannuation for casuals/sessional  employees as at 1 July 2023

Academic & General Staff Enterprise Agreement 2017

17% or as agreed in accordance with Uni Super Trust Deed arrangements

17% or as agreed in accordance with Uni Super Trust Deed arrangements 11%
Vocational Education & Training Enterprise Agreement 2022

15%* 15%* 11%
Swinburne Student Life Enterprise Agreement 2020

17% 17% 11%

*does not reflect ESS Super Defined Benefit member arrangements

  • Please refer to your Workday profile and/or contract of employment or any subsequent variation of contract to access your TRP
  • You may also contact P&C Assist team should you require any further information in this regard

View the current salaries for professional services and general staff.

Higher Education Worker (HEW) level Current rates (A$)
HEW 1  
Level 1 $64,415
Level 2 $65,495
Level 3 $66,579
Level 4 $67,664
HEW 2  
Level 1 $68,722
Level 2 $69,890
Level 3 $71,058
Level 1 $71,799
Level 2 $73,029
Level 3 $74,258
Level 4 $75,496
Level 5 $76,728
Level 6 $77,957
HEW 4  
Level 1 $81,182
Level 2 $82,757
Level 3 $84,338
Level 4 $85,915
HEW 5  
Level 1 $88,035
Level 2 $89,751
Level 3 $91,458
Level 4 $93,179
Level 5 $94,890
Level 6 $96,607
HEW 6  
Level 1 $101,737
Level 2 $103,731
Level 3 $105,713
Level 4 $107,704
Level 5 $109,693
HEW 7  
Level 1 $112,019
Level 2 $114,215
Level 3 $116,409
Level 4 $118,603
Level 5 $120,795
HEW 8  
Level 1 $125,728
Level 2 $128,190
Level 3 $130,662
Level 4 $133,130
Level 5 $135,599
HEW 9  
Level 1 $146,285
Level 2 $149,165
Level 3 $152,046
Level 4 $154,927
HEW 10  
Level 1 $156,564
Level 2 $167,208
Level 3 $178,135
  • Please note that the Total Remuneration Package (TRP) reflected on this page are indicative TRP only representing relevant base rate (in accordance with the relevant enterprise agreement) plus superannuation as of 12 August 2023
  • This page does not reflect any individual salary and/or super arrangements
  • This page does not reflect any additional allowances and/or loadings
  • Superannuation arrangements currently in place as at 1 July 2023 have been summarised in the table below:
Enterprise Agreement Superannuation for ongoing employees as at 1 July 2023 Superannuation for fixed term employees as at 1 July 2023 Superannuation for casuals/sessional  employees as at 1 July 2023

Academic & General Staff Enterprise Agreement 2017

17% or as agreed in accordance with Uni Super Trust Deed arrangements

17% or as agreed in accordance with Uni Super Trust Deed arrangements 11%
Vocational Education & Training Enterprise Agreement 2022

15%* 15%* 11%
Swinburne Student Life Enterprise Agreement 2020

17% 17% 11%

*does not reflect ESS Super Defined Benefit member arrangements

  • Please refer to your Workday profile and/or contract of employment or any subsequent variation of contract to access your TRP
  • You may also contact P&C Assist team should you require any further information in this regard

View the current salaries for higher education and academic staff.

Level Current rates (A$)
Level A  
1 $87,841
2 $92,675
3 $97,557
4 $102,440
5 $106,403
6 $110,368
7 $114,335
8 $118,297
Level B  
1 $124,405
2 $128,983
3 $133,553
4 $138,132
5 $142,709
6 $147,284
Level C  
1 $151,859
2 $156,435
3 $161,007
4 $165,586
5 $170,161
6 $174,743
Level D  
1 $182,370
2 $188,467
3 $194,570
4 $200,670
Level E  
1 $234,232
1 $75,847
2 $78,270
3 $82,915
Hourly rates for Sessional (Casual) Higher Education Academic staff
  Pay Code Current rates (A$)
OTHER: PhD Co-Ord OT $58.42
Marking rates
MARKING 1 MK1 $68.28
MARKING 2 MK2 $58.42
MARKING 3 MK3 $49.06

View the current salaries for fixed term/ongoing Vocational Education and Training teachers, senior educators and managers.

Classification  Current rates (A$)
T1 $68,607
T2.1 $73,712
T2.2 $79,972
T2.3 $84,923
T3.1 $86,695
T3.2 $93,186
T3.3 $95,646
T3.4 $101,775
T3.5 $109,930
SE $113,387
EM1 $116,844
EM2 $120,300
Casual teaching rates
Classification Current rates (A$)
Diploma Qualified Teaching $87.19
Cert IV Qualified Teaching$83.89 $83.89
Diploma Qualified Non-Teaching $59.25
Cert IV Qualified Non-Teaching $57.02

View the current salaries for Swinburne Student Life staff.

Classification Increment point Current rates (A$)
Level 1    
   1 $47,110
   2 $48,527
Level 2    
   1 $49,945
   2 $52,306
   3 $54,668
Level 3    
   1 $57,029
   2 $57,974
   3 $60,572
   4 $61,782
Level 4    
   1 $64,115 
   2 $65,396
   3 $66,704
   4 $68,837
   5 $70,214
   6 $71,617
Level 5    
   1 $73,561
   2 $75,769 
   3 $78,041
   4 $80,381
   5 $80,645 
   6 $83,064
   7 $85,555
Level 6    
   1 $87,731
   2 $89,485
   3 $91,276
   4 $93,102
Level 7    
   1 $101,900
   2 $103,939
   3 $106,017
   4 $108,138
Level 8    
   1 $116,070

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