Did you miss this session?

We're running two repeat sessions:

The International Student Welcome and Briefing is your chance to meet the International Student Advisory and Support team – your dedicated 24-hour expert team at Swinburne.

This session provides you with the important things you need to know about being an international student before you arrive at your first class during orientation.

Each session will cover:

  • your health and welfare
  • building a social life and social network
  • Swinburne and community support services available to you
  • how the Victorian community works, including health, emergency services and community groups 
  • how to get help with accommodation
  • visa expectations and making it work for you
  • your rights and responsibilities
  • how to travel around Melbourne.

At our expo, you’ll get to meet members of key Swinburne and community support services – they are here to help make life easier outside of your study. Student cultural clubs are also excited to meet you there!

This session is essential

All international students starting an undergraduate or postgraduate course at Swinburne should attend this event.  We’ll help you with all of the questions you have about making study and life here work for you.

This session is highly recommended for all students making a transition to study at Swinburne, or to Melbourne. It’s the little things you may not have encountered that ensure you can adjust quickly and confidently to your new adventure. We are excited to meet you.

Register using the form on this page.

Choose one session to attend:

  • Morning session
    9.00am check-in for 9.30am presentation; session ends 12.30pm including International Student Expo
  • Afternoon session
    12.30pm including check-in and International Student Expo, presentation runs 1.30pm to 3.30pm
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Meet our International Student Advisers

As an international student, you can contact our International Student Advisers when you need help or have questions during your time at Swinburne. Attend this event to meet them before you start your studies.

Help us to help you

We want to know what information is most important to you in your first few days at Swinburne. Please complete this simple 1-minute survey to help shape your Welcome and Orientation briefing.

Keep exploring

Discover what else is on for international students.

  • Student Life
    • Swinburne Advantage

    Career and employment tips for international students

    Discover a career road map for international students with our career consultant and learn about career preparation tips, graduate success stories, career support services at Swinburne and more.

    Thu 27 July
    12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
    TD121 and online
    Register now (Career and employment tips for international students)
    • Orientation

    International Student Welcome and Briefing

    Welcome! This session is for all international students arriving in Melbourne for the first time and starting an undergraduate or postgraduate course at Swinburne. 

    Meet our dedicated support team and get all your must-have information at this ...

    Wed 24 July
    9:00 AM — 3:30 PM
    ATC101, Advanced Technologies Centre (ATC), Hawthorn campus
    Register now (International Student Welcome and Briefing)
    • Orientation

    International Student Welcome and Briefing - Repeat session 1

    Welcome! This catchup session is for all international students arriving in Melbourne for the first time and starting an undergraduate or postgraduate course at Swinburne. 

    Meet our dedicated support team and get all your must-have information ...

    Wed 26 July
    12:30 PM to 1:30 PM
    EN102, Engineering Building (EN), Hawthorn campus
    Register now (International Student Welcome and Briefing - Repeat session 1)
    • Orientation

    International Student Welcome and Briefing - Repeat session 2

    Welcome! This catchup session is for all international students arriving in Melbourne for the first time and starting an undergraduate or postgraduate course at Swinburne. 

    Meet our dedicated support team and get all your must-have information ...

    Fri 28 July
    10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
    EN102, Engineering Building (EN), Hawthorn campus
    Register now (International Student Welcome and Briefing - Repeat session 2)
    • Orientation

    What's on at Orientation

    Connect with student clubs, see what Swinburne Student Union are up to, join a campus tour, get advice from our Student Ambassadors, and... free food trucks!

    Orientation: It’s by far the best way to kick off your time at Swinburne.

    Mon 24 July to Fri 28 July
    9:00 AM to 7:00 PM
    On campus and online
    Browse events (What's on at Orientation)
    • Orientation

    SSU International Student Mixers

    Join us for some fun and games whilst you make new friends at Swinburne. Enjoy some nibbles and refresh yourself after a day of orientation activities. If you're looking for a good start to your university experience, this is the place to be.

    Wed 24 July
    3:00 PM to 6:00 PM
    The Junction, 660A Glenferrie Rd, Hawthorn campus
    Register now (SSU International Student Mixers)