Key information

  • Destination/s: Indonesia
  • Dates: 25 November – 10 December 2023 
  • Cost: A$3,300 + airfares
  • Funding available: A$3,000 New Colombo Plan Travel Grants and OS HELP Loans available for eligible students
  • Eligible students: Undergraduate Business students
  • Applications close: 13 August, 2023
  • Register your interest


Indonesia provides massive trade, investment and economic opportunities. Australian students developing an understanding of business culture in one of the fastest growing economies in the world is crucial. 

This study tour program engages students with a real-life industry consulting project. You will undertake a 15-day posting in Indonesia. Under the guidance of academic coaches and local industry mentors, you and your student team will apply academic knowledge to solve business problems provided by the industry host and present recommendations and solutions to them.

By the end of this project, you will improve your global perspectives and other workplace skills, such as working collaboratively in diverse groups and generate creative solutions, and communicating a range of business arguments appropriate to the audience, through a variety of communication media. 


  • Working on a real-life consulting project for a business client under the guidance of academic coaches and local mentors and supported by local students
  • Regular interactions with client’s senior executives and industry experts
  • Presenting project outcomes to a panel of client representatives
  • Networking with relevant groups, including local students
  • Team building activities
  • Visits to local universities and museums
  • Mt Bromo Sunrise Tour

More details of the itinerary will be provided closer to the departure date. 

Salamat Datang ('Welcome') Monument in Central Jakarta

Academic Information

Which unit/s can this program be taken for as credit?

  • BUS30032 / BUS30009 (Business Consulting Project)

Can this unit be taken as an elective by students in any Swinburne degree? 


Eligibility and Selection Criteria

  • Completion of BUS30031, BUS30024 or BUS30010 by the end of Semester 1, 2023 
  • Online application including a personal statement

Program cost includes:

  • Accommodation
  • All breakfasts
  • Welcome and farewell dinner
  • Mt Bromo Sunrise Tour
  • Visit to local museums
  • Ground transport (where applicable)
  • Travel and medical insurance
Additional expenses to consider (not included in program cost):
  • International airfares
  • Most additional meals
  • Academic tuition Fees
  • Visa (if required)
  • Personal expenses

* Program cost is approximate at the time of being listed online and is subject to change.

The following types of fee help and funding are available to help eligible students with the costs towards this program:

  • OS Help Loan of up to $8,817 (as at 2023)

Information sessions

Information sessions will be scheduled in early August. Alternatively, if you would like to watch the pre-recorded information session for this Study Tour you can access the recording here.

Watched the information session and ready to go? Click the link below to apply.

Apply Now

For further details on this program please contact:

Register your interest

Register your interest to join us on the Indonesian Business Immersion tour
