Academic staff

Position Contact Location
Professor Michael Daffern Director, Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science; Professor, Clinical Forensic Psychology

+61 3 9214 6235

Distinguished Professor James Ogloff AM University Distinguished Professor

+61 3 9214 6231

Associate Professor Rachael Fullam

Deputy Director and Consultation and Evaluation Lead

+61 3 9214 6237

Dr Caleb Lloyd

Senior Lecturer

+61 3 9214 6223


Dr Tessa Maguire

Senior Lecturer, Forensic Mental Health Nursing

+61 3 9214 6241


Professor Troy McEwan

Professor, Clinical and Forensic Psychology 

+61 3 9214 6242


Dr Margaret Nixon

Professional Development and Training Lead; Senior Lecturer

+61 3 9214 6233


Dr Benjamin Spivak

Senior Lecturer 

+61 3 9214 6221


Associate Professor Trentham Furness Adjunct Associate Professor and Research Manager - Forensicare Alphington
Dr Nina Papalia DECRA Research Fellow Alphington
Dr Nicola Tyler Senior Lecturer, Forensic Psychology Alphington

Support staff

Position Contact Location 
Mr Brett McIvor Operations Manager

+61 3 9214 6222

Ms Maree Stanford Executive Assistant

+61 3 9214 6231

Ms Katie Richardson Project Officer Alphington

Research fellows

Position Contact Location 
Dr Ashley Dunne Research Fellow

+61 3 39214 6220

Dr Marie Henshaw Research Fellow 

+61 3 9214 6232

Ms Daveena Mawren Forensicare Research Fellow Alphington  
Dr Janet Ruffles Senior Research Fellow 

+61 3 9214 6227

Dr Michael Trood Research Fellow Alphington
Dr Abigail Sheed Research Fellow Alphington
Dr Ariel Stone Research Fellow Alphington
Dr Reneta Slikboer Research Fellow Alphington

Higher Degree by Research candidates

Doctor of Psychology students

Title of research project Supervisor
Israa Altwaijiri  Examining mental health outcomes for victims and perpetrators of family violence  Troy McEwan, Benjamin Spivak 
Robert Bonett   Psychological change through Youth Justice Group Conferencing  James Ogloff, Caleb Lloyd, Nina Papalia 
Claire Bryce   An investigation into the risk assessment framework in domestic violence cases  Troy McEwan, Benjamin Spivak 
Stephanie Butler   Serious sex offender detention and supervision: Risk assessment and decision making  Michael Daffern, Margaret Nixon, Rachael Fullam 
Reese Cossar   Prison and transition health  James Ogloff, Mark Stoové, Paul Dietze 
Han-Mari Cronje   Cognitive impairment in forensic mental health inpatients, and the impact on problem behaviours, functioning and intervention  Margaret Nixon, Stuart Lee, Susan Rossell
Trish Evers   Enhancing well-being and resilience within prisons: A psycho-educational approach for correctional officers  James Ogloff, Jeff Pfeifer 
Stephanie Fernandez   Exploring phenomena of intrusive aggressive thoughts and aggressive scripts: Associated beliefs and features  Maja Nedeljkovic, Michael Daffern 
Cieran Harries  Psychosis and violence: Adverse outcomes and effective intervention  James Ogloff, Stefan Luebbers 
Julia Hosie  Developing an understanding of the General Aggression Model’s knowledge structure, aggressive script rehearsal, to inform intervention strategies  Michael Daffern, Flora Gilbert, Ashley Dunne 
Veronique Jahoo  Prioritising online child exploitation offenders for investigation and community supervision James Ogloff, Marie Henshaw, Jonathan Clough 
Alissa Lever   Therapist perspectives on building therapeutic alliance, including with clients with a history of criminal behaviour Michael Daffern, Caleb Lloyd, Kylie Thomson 
Riley Luke   Measurement of PD using novel AMPD assessment instruments  Michael Daffern, Ashley Dunne 
Natasha Mahony   Investigating the validity of the DSM-5 alternative model for personality disorder in an Australian offender population  Michael Daffern, Ashley Dunne 

Bianca Mastromanno  

Tuning in to kids: A pilot study of the intensive delivery of an emotion-focused early intervention program for children with emerging conduct disorder  Catherine Wood, Michael Daffern, Sophie Havighurst 
Veronica Meredith  A gendered comparison in forensic inpatient assessment of risk of aggression Stephane Shepherd, Melanie Simmons
Ella Modini Estimating the prevalence of dementia in Victorian prisons  Margaret Nixon, Rachael Fullam 
Anna Moriarty  Pathways from maltreatment to offending: Exploring the mediating factors  Benjamin Spivak, Nina Papalia, Stephane Shepherd
Fiona Morrison  Investigating a group treatment for violent offenders with aggressive scripts  Michael Daffern, Rachael Fullam, Kylie Thomson 
Bradley Reich  Evaluating cognitive and affective factors related to stalking perpetration  Margaret Nixon, Troy McEwan 
Maddison Riachi  Improving decision making in cases of child maltreatment: Validation of the Child Protection Removal Assessment tool, and understanding the role of the parent-child relationship  Stefan Luebbers, Lillian De Bortoli and Nina Papalia 
Abigail Sheed  Adolescent family violence pathways and recidivism  Troy McEwan, Nina Papalia, Melanie Simmons 
Emily Stevenson  Comparison of open- and closed-group treatment of sexual offenders  Michael Daffern, Stuart Thomas 
Rose Tingate   Factors protecting against recidivism among female ex-prisoners with intellectual disability  Margaret Nixon, Rachael Fullam 
Jamie Ung   Turning away from crime: The natual course of change in trait impulsivity, criminal self-efficacy and agency for desistance Caleb Lloyd, Michael Daffern 
Samantha Venner Clinical reliability in forensic risk assessment Stephane Shepherd, Diane Sivasubramaniam 
On Zhi Xiang   The public health effects of risk-need-responsivity model guided policing of family violence Troy McEwan, Benjamin Spivak, Rachael Fullam 

PhD students

Linda Ashford  Advancing cross-cultural approaches to violence risk assessment Stephane Shepherd, Ben Spivak
Grant Blake  Assessing fitness to stand trial in Australia and New Zealand James Ogloff, Jeff Pfeifer, Andrew Carroll, Rachael Fullam
Darcy Coulter  Addressing contemporary issues in correctional risk assessment through the dynamic risk assessment for offender re-entry Caleb Lloyd, Justin Trounson
Simon Davies  An investigation into whether the reassessment of dynamic risk and protective factors improves the prediction of imminent criminal recidivism Caleb Lloyd, Devon Polaschek 
Heshani De Silva Experiences of family violence, risks and help-seeking behaviour among South-Asian Australians Troy McEwan, Stephane Shepherd
Maicee Harrison Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People and the criminal justice system: Impact of social and emotional wellbeing Justin Trounson, Stephane Shepherd
Cole Higley   Dynamic risk factors and offender rehabilitation Caleb Lloyd, Michael Daffern
Beatrice Raymond  Wrinkles in sexual behaviour: Factors associated with sexual re-offending amongst older offenders  Troy McEwan, James Ogloff
Angelika Senn   The role of schema coping in aggression: Implications for theory and practice Michael Daffern, Ashley Dunne
Ariel Stone   Patterns of change in risk for recidivism: Modelling change and using it to predict reoffending Caleb Lloyd, Benjamin Spivak, Nina Papalia
Michael Trood  Judicial supervision in mainstream courts: Risk, desistance, and offender well-being  James Ogloff, Benjamin Spivak
Panayiota Zingirlis  A longitudinal study of the assessment and management of Forensic Patients on conditional release within NSW Michael Daffern, Caleb Lloyd, Janet Ruffles 

Associate members

Name Position Contact Location 
Dr Joel McGregor

Associate Member

Lecturer in Criminology 400 Burwood Road
Associate Professor Jeffrey Pfeifer

Associate Member

Associate Professor, Psychological Sciences

+61 3 9214 8578

Dr Jason Skues

Associate Member 

Senior Lecturer, Psychological Sciences

+61 3 9214 4497


Adjunct members

Adjunct Professors

Name Organisation
Professor Andy Day University of Melbourne
Professor Brian McKenna Auckland University and Mason Clinic, New Zealand
Emeritus Professor Paul E Mullen Monash University
Professor Michele Pathé  
Professor Mark Rallings  
Emeritus Professor Rosemary Sheehan Monash University
Professor Stephane Shepherd Deakin University
Professor Tony Ward University of Wellington
Professor Stephen Wong
University of Saskatchewan and University of Nottingham
Professor Min Yang
Sichuan University, China

Adjunct Associate Professors

Name Organisation
Associate Professor Andrew Carroll Forensicare
Associate Professor Stuart Lee  
Dr Stefan Luebbers Court Services Victoria
Associate Professor Suzanne Strand Örebro University, Sweden 
Adjunct Associate Professor Danny Sullivan Forensicare
Dr Rajan Darjee Department of Health, Tasmania

Adjunct Research Fellows

Name Organisation 
Dr Svenja Senkans Private practice 
Dr David Thomas Forensicare
Dr Lillian De Bortoli Private practice
Dr Niki Loft Forensicare
Dr Caroline Lambert Forensicare
Dr Shelley Turner Monash University
Dr Emma Alleyne University of Kent
Dr Flora Gilbert Forensicare
Dr Calvin Jutasi Forensicare
Dr Melanie Simmons Private practice
Dr Natasha Maharaj Private practice
Ms Cleo Bandt Private practice
Dr Kate McGregor Forensicare
Dr Anne Sophie Pichler Department of Justice and Community Safety, Victoria
Dr Armon Tamatera University of Waikato
Dr Kylie Thomson  

Adjunct Clinical Associates

Name Position  Organisation
Dr Aleksandra Belofastov  Manager and Principal Psychologist Problem Behaviour Program, Forensicare 
Dr Rachel Campbell Senior Psychologist  Forensicare
Mr Chris Drake Principal Psychologist  Forensicare
Ms Anthea Lemphers Director of Psychological Services  Forensicare
Dr Rachel MacKenzie   Private practice
Ms Lorrae Mynard Occupational Therapy Educator  Forensicare
Dr Chris Quinn Acting Director of Nursing Forensicare 
Dr Bonnie Albrecht Senior Clinical Psychcologist Forensicare
Ms Claudia Mulder Lead Clinician, Personality Disorder Initiative Forensicare
Dr Keerthana Rudhra Senior Clinical Psychcologist Forensicare
Dr Narda Arndt Clinical Psychologist Forensicare
Dr Lisa Clarke Senior Psychcologist Forensicare
Dr Ahona Guha Clinical and Forensic Psychologist Forensicare
Ms Susie Hancox Psychologist Forensicare
Dr Lauren Ducat Clinical and Forensic Psychologist Forensicare
Dr Melisa Wood Principal Psychologist Forensicare
Dr Matt Frize Director, Forensic Disability & Secure Welfare Services. Department of Health & Human Services
Dr Bianca Levis Senior Psychologist Monash Health
Dr Lisa Forrester Director - Children's Court Clinic Children’s Court Clinic, Court Services Victoria

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