OSC Biology Lab

The OSC Biology lab is dedicated to understanding the molecular mechanisms by which cell fate is determined. The focus of the lab is single cell analysis, using flow cytometry and time lapse fluorescence microscopy. The lab is PC2 accredited and has core facilities for mammalian cell culture and molecular biology. We operate a multicolour flow cytometer (BD Facsaria II) and a spinning disc confocal microscope (Olympus).

Location: AS114


  • Andor Spinning Disk Confocal combined with Olympus IX71 Microscope

  • Cell Sorter (BD FACSAria III) Microbiological Safety Cabinet (Aura 2000-Bioair Instruments)

Biophotonics Endoscope Laser Lab

The laboratory is equipped with Spectra Physics MaiTai and MPB Fibre Laser for confocal laser scanning microscopy and fibre endoscopy.

Location: AS116


  • Spectra Physics MaiTai (2.5W, 650-1100nm, 80MHz, 100fs)

  • MPB Fiber Laser (1.5W, 592nm, CW)

Cell Biophysics – Microscopy Lab

The cell biophysics lab contains two microscopy platforms. 

Platform 1 is designed for long-term cellular dynamics studies (hours–days) and contains an incubator (with temperature and gas control), a programmable stage and a microscope with phase contrast and fluorescence. Harvard programmable pumps are available so that users can deliver precise doses of growth factors and other substances to cells using microfluidic devices.

Platform 2 is a multidimensional microscope with capabilities to measure fluorescence spectra, fluorescence lifetimes and fluorescence polarization on cells. These modalities are used to study macromolecular environments, interactions (lifetime, FRET) and macromolecular dynamics (polarization and spectral imaging) on the nanosecond time range. This is the only microscope in Australia with frequency-domain TIRF capabilities (for looking at dynamics on surfaces).

Location: AS122


  • Eclipse Ti-S Inverted Microscopes (Nikon) (x2)

  • ASI programmable stage

  • Harvard programmable pump (x4)

  • Incubator

  • Lambert Instruments Lifetime Imaging Attachment

  • Gooch and Housego HSI-400 hyperspectral imaging system

  • Prior Nanoscan-Z stage

  • Nikon TIRF illumination module

  • Omicron modulated Laser Diode

  • Lambert Instrumenets Gen3 image intensifier

  • Andor CCD camera

Want to book these facilities?

Our laboratories and equipment are available for Swinburne students and staff as well as researchers from other universities to use.

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Explore our related research centre

  • Optical Sciences Centre

    The Optical Sciences Centre conducts research addressing scientific and technological challenges in the domain of optical sciences spanning classical and quantum photonics, light–matter interactions, nanotechnology, biomedical and biosciences, quantum gases and quantum materials. 

Contact the Biophotonics Laboratory team

If you have any questions about this facility please contact Dan Kapsaskis, Operations Manager for the Optical Sciences Centre facilities, on +61 3 9214 4884 or via dkapsaskis@swinburne.edu.au.

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