This is a guide to help you determine your postnominals (the abbreviated version of your qualification title). 

Note: You can only use postnominals once your award has been conferred (that is, you have received your testamur either at a ceremony or in the mail).

Qualification descriptor Abbreviation
Doctor of Philosophy PhD
Doctor D
Masters Degree M
Graduate Diploma GradDip
Graduate Certificate GradCert
Bachelor Degree B
Honours Hons
Associate Degree AssocDeg
Advanced Diploma AdvDip
Diploma Dip
Certificate IV CertIV
Certificate III CertIII
Certificate II CertII
Certificate I CertI

These study descriptors are for Swinburne-accredited courses only.

Study descriptor Abbreviation
Accounting Acc
Accounting Information Systems AccInfSys
Applied Science AppSc
Architecture Arch
Arts A
Behavioural Studies BS
Business Administration BA
Business Bus
Business Information Systems BusInfSys
Commerce Com
Computing Comp
Corporate Governance CorporateGovnce
Criminal Justice and Crimonology CrimJust&Crimnlgy
Design Des
Dietetics HlthSc(Diet)
Digital Business Management DigitalBusMgt
Engineering Eng
Entrepreneurship and Innovation EI
Film and Television F&TV
Finance and Banking Fin&Bnkg
Financial Planning FinPlg
Financial Technologies FinTech
Health Science HlthSc
Information Systems InfSys
Information Systems Management ISM
Information Technology InfTech
Information Technology Business Analysis InfTechBusAnalys
Information Technology Project Management InfTechProjMgt
International Business IntBus
Laws LL
Management Mgt
Multimedia Mm
Nursing HlthSc(N)
Physiotherapy HlthSc(Physio)
Project Management ProjMgt
Psychology Psych
Science Sc
Social Impact SocImp
Strategic Foresight SF
Technology Tech
Technology Management TechMgt

You can add the field of study to the letters that describe your award, if, for instance, you undertook a specialisation within your degree. 

Example: Bachelor of Social Science (Media Studies) equates to BSocSc(Media Studies) 

Exceptions: Bachelor of Laws equates to LLB and Master of Laws equates to LLM

Tips for stating your postnominals

Order of qualifications 

The recommended order is the lower qualifications directly after your name, leading to the highest qualifications. 

Example: J Smith DipBus, BBus 

Institution name

The name of the awarding institution should also follow your academic qualifications. If you hold multiple qualifications from the one institution then you just list it after all of the qualifications from that institution, not after each qualification. 

Example: J Smith DipBus, BBus RMIT, MBA, PhD Swinburne 

Professional qualifications 

If you are a member of a professional association, you may be entitled to include the postnominals for that association after your academic postnominals. 

Example: J Smith BEng, PhD, Swinburne, FIEAust 

Double degrees and dual awards 

Graduates of double degrees or dual awards are entitled to use postnominals for both programs, separated by a slash. In the case of dual awards, the order should commence with the lowest qualification, leading to the highest. 

Example: J Smith BSc(Biotechnology)/BBus Swinburne 


Students who have undertaken an honours program, should list this after the qualification and study descriptor, and before the field of study descriptor (if applicable). 

Example: J Smith MSc(Hons) (Network Systems) or J Smith BInfTech(Hons)

Keep on exploring

  • Preparing for your graduation ceremony

    All your hard work and late nights have paid off, congratulations on completing your studies! Now all that is left is to prepare for your Graduation Ceremony. Learn all about what happens on the day. 

  • Hiring your academic regalia

    Learn all about the full graduation regalia you will need to wear at your graduation ceremony. Remember, academic dress hire is covered in the graduation fee. 

  • Alumni

    Stay connected to your alumni community and enjoy a range of services and benefits, including networking and professional development opportunities.

  • Confirm your graduation details

    Log in using your student ID and password to confirm your graduation details. 

Need graduation advice or course help?

If you have a question or need help with any aspect of completing your course or graduating, contact studentHQ. StudentHQ can help you if you haven’t received your graduation documents or need to get replacements. 

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